Why journal?
Our ability to express ourselves through images and words goes back 73,000 years ago, when one of our ancestors drew a red hashtag design on a piece of rock in a South African cave. It was always within us, this desire to draw, to create, to transform our lives into a tangible understanding, our hands carving and scraping, expressing our internal thoughts onto the rocky surfaces of a bewildering external world.
Self-expression is a gift. A force for positive change, both for the individual and for the collective. However, not everyone has access to this gift. Self-expression can be stamped out, vilified, made a punishable act or dies under the cloud of self-doubt, sadness and insecurity.
In a time when all our creative expression is under threat from AI, social media control and lack of confidence in a brighter future for ourselves it is time to bring the pen back to the paper, the brush to the canvas, be the eye behind the camera, become the force for good, for ourselves and the world.
Journalling – in whatever form, helps us to process our often chaotic internal dialogue, increase our self-confidence, let off steam, reduce stress, alleviate the heaviness of grief and boost our immune system. Taking back control of this precious gift of self-expression, pen in hand, blank page before you - dig deep and discover your inner voice and find the wisdom that has always been there, the constant guide and friend that can never fail you!
Rebecca Guillain
Jovial Journals from Guillain Creatives
Express Yourself!
Have you ever wanted to write something controversial, subversive or downright crazy?
Do you ever feel like throwing off the constraints of convention and saying
exactly what’s on your mind? Then this Express Yourself! journal is the one for you.Seasoned with motivational quotes to keep you on your unique creative path, take up your mighty pen and flow with the emo!
Discard your cloak of respectability for a while, cast caution to the winds and lay bare your innermost creative thoughts in this journal.
Go on! Do it! Sometimes being rational and reserved is just not enough!
Off Load ...because life's crap!
Are you fed up? Are you tired of the ‘keep your sunny side up’ brigade? Sick of keeping a stiff upper lip when you feel like screaming? P****d off with positivity?
Then look no further! This journal is for you. Purge your inner demons in the comfort of your own home without losing your job, jeopardising your relationships or losing respect. With each page designed to encourage a thoughtful explosion of backed-up bile you can offload and emotionally detox, walking away with a new sense of purpose and inner freedom.
A great gift for anyone who has trouble pushing through the hard stuff.
The Procrastinator's Journal
Is mañana your middle name? Is rumination your reason for living? If research suggests that 95% of us procrastinate to some degree, why not be the best of the best and use The Procrastinator’s Journal to creatively chart your unique use of time management, showing the world exactly how not to get things done.
Indefinitely delay the inevitable and joyfully put of till tomorrow what could have been done yesterday.
From the series of ‘Jovial Journals’ by Guillain Creatives, you too can buy into this unproductive use of your precious time, procrastinating about what to write.
A unique gift for anyone training to be a master in vacillation.
The Revolutionist's Journal
Do you want to create a better future for yourself?
Do you have big ideas for transformative change?
Often a personal shake up or a shakedown is what’s needed for a better future.
Scattered with inspiring quotes to motivate your metamorphosis and keep you focused on your objectives, each new blank page will be ready to receive your ideas, your lofty goals, allowing your inner voice to create a positive revolution.
The world needs you! You have the power to make a mighty contribution!
Pick up your pen and go to it!
The Meditation Journal
Carving out time for ourselves in this chaotic world has never been easy, but with more of us turning to alternative methods of wellbeing, we are beginning to understand how the consistent practice of mindful meditation can help us reduce stress, develop gratitude and awaken our creativity. This journal, with its inspiring quotes, photographs and writing space, will encourage consistency and the chance to journalise personal reflections, ideas and progress. Journalling is a powerful tool for organizing and addressing our inner landscape and emotional triggers. Meditation is a chance to reset, to accept the silence and begin the journey to a new balanced perspective.